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Taekwondo Classes & Affiliation with the L.T.S.I.


Lions TaeKwon-Do Schools Independent - Est. 2004


Next major event

XXI South East TKD Opens








LTSI Taekwondo schools & Affiliates – Club Locations UK

LTSI Taekwondo schools & Affiliates - Club Locations UK

All L.T.S.I. Taekwondo Schools and Associate members MUST have all policies in place to be listed.

  1. Affiliation license under us (Renewed Yearly)
  2. Instructor Insurance (Optional via us)
  3. Member to Member insurance (Optional via us)
  4. Database Barring System (Criminal Records Check optional via us)
  5. First Aid trained (Optional via us)

Any school / Dojang found not to have these in place will be unlisted from our site until all documents are in place. The following licenses are the ones currently registered with the LTSI. The LTSI is the main policy.

St Albans TaeKwonDo – Drakes Drive

Drakes Drive

Mobile No. – 07960 476124   WattsApp  – 07960476124

Venue Address: The Gym, Samuel Ryder Academy, Drakes Drive, St Albans, Herts.
Please click on map to see full sized
e-mail –


Berkhamsted TaeKwonDoMobile

No. –07813755785 WattsApp – 07813755785

Venue Address:9 Nelson Road,DagnallHertsBerkhamstedHP4 1RF
Please click on map to see full size



East London TaeKwonDo Schools Newham


Mobile No. –07910788521WattsApp –07910788521

Venue Address:Newham Branch Wolf Cubs,East Ham Leisure Centre,324 Barking Road,324 Barking Road,LondonE6 2RT.
Please click on map to see full sized

Hemel Hempstead TaeKwonDo Bennetts End

Bennetts End

Mobile No. –07878 987824WattsApp –07878 987824

Venue Address:Bennetts End Community Centre,Bennetts End,Herts.Hemel HempsteadHP3 9LZ
Please click on map to see full sized


St Albans TaeKwonDo – London Colney

London Colney 

Mobile No. – 07960 476124   WattsApp  – 07960476124

Venue Address: London Colney Community Centre, Caladan Road, London Colney, St Albans, Herts
Please click on map to see full sized
e-mail –
Website –


St Albans TaeKwonDo – North Orbital Rd

London Colney 

Mobile No. – 07960 476124   WattsApp  – 07960476124

Venue Address: Old Verulanium Rugby Club, North Orbital Road, Cotlandswick, London Colney.
Please click on map to see full sized
e-mail –
Website –


East London Schools of TaeKwonDo Tottenham


Mobile No. –07910788521WattsApp –07910788521

Venue Address:East London TaeKwonDo Schools,Tottenham Branch,Gladesmore Sport Centre,Crowland road,LondonN15 6EB.
Please click on map to see full sized


Why join or affiliate to the L.T.S.I.

Top class events / awards as standard

Since 2004, the L.T.S.I. has hosted events in the U.K. that facilitate I.T.F. and independents from all over the four nations. The events have rules that suit both sides, meaning our opens are the fairest on the market. Profit is not our goal, unity and networking is. The awards we offer are amongst the best around - FACT!

No compromise on standards or dress code 
Dress code is one of our top priority. All our Black Belts are required to attend all events in full official attire as above. There is NO compromise on how we conduct ourselves.
Certification and Licensing

One thing for sure, you will not find another U.K. group or body offering what we do. From license books for colour belts to Black Belt license books and status cards, we offer it all! We also provide International ITF Union certification as well.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Quality across the board

Value for money always

Traditional values always

Fully insured schools of Martial Arts

All grades fully verified

Many events hosted yearly

Our next main event

We host a number of events every year, weather it is open Taekwon-do championships that are trusted and proven or have an interest in seminars and courses we have you covered. Our affiliates have 100% freedom and we never interfere.


We've got you covered all the way

Whether it's insurance, recognition in a national group or looking for international recognition under an ITF body, we can help. Join us as a fully fledged member, or just affiliate to us....the choice is 100% yours with no hard sell.


What do I need to do if I'm interested?

Simply fill in the online form. All enquiries are 100% confidential, so no bridges will be burnt. We tend to get back in touch after we have done some research on you - this usually takes about 24 hours.

What happens if I join as a full member then want affiliated membership?

We are not an organisation that rules on fear (you know, the ones that attack you just because you decide it's not for you). Let us know and that's it. To be honest, we often say affiliation is best, then go full member after if you like. Again, there's no pressure.

Can I keep my own identity?

If you join fully, you gain many benefits, but it means using our suits etc. If you take affiliation, nothing changes and you can get access to everything we use at cost. We don't control anyone - all we ask is you follow correct timelines on exams and never put our group into disrepute online.

Can I grade my own students?

The rules are set by ITF system for all full members and affiliates -

  • Only 4th Degrees that have been on IIC's can examine members
  • 4th and 5th Degree can grade up to 2nd Degree
  • 6th Degree can grade up to 3rd Degree
  • 7th Degree can grade up to 5th Degree
  • 8th Degree can grade up to 7th Degree (7th is by permission of ITF Promotion committee)

When you join, we will request proof of your promotions unless we know you already.

Do you have a constitution?

The L.T.S.I. sees constitutions as a way to enforce rules set by the organisation. We have a very basic Charter that works. No Board of Control, just an administration that looks after daily activities. 

Full benefit information is only available to full members. 



Our club was a full member of the L.T.S.I. in the start. We left to be part of another ITF body and chose to come back. We are now affiliated -  no fuss, no pressure. We enter their events and love them. Highly recommended by Berkhamstead TKD



Tom Brennan IV



I've been a student of Master Snow's since 1996. I choose full membership as it works for my clubs and I have no interest in the politics, No stress, no pressure. The administration is on point and events are pretty classy.



Stuart Smith VI



We were affiliated to the L.T.S.I. for a number of years and never had any issues. Sadly, after Covid-19 my clubs folded, but I can verify their admin is pretty top notch. It's worth a punt if you want freedom.



Gary Garner IV


Seminars with World class Masters and Grandmasters


The L.T.S.I. is led by Master Snow, 8th Degree

Despite our group head having one of the highest level degree belts in Taekwondo, we have a philosophy to provide the best Masters around for a given field. Whether it's sparring, patterns or technical, you can be sure the L.T.S.I. will always give you the best money can buy and make it competitive.

Grandmasters of the highest creed

We know our limits - getting a Grandmaster in from a reputable organisation gives our membership and attendees the best low cost experience money can buy.

07960 476124

14 Collyer Road, London Colney, St. Albans, Herts., AL2 1PD